Early Detection, Personalised Treatment Most Anticipated AI Applications
Diabetes Care

Early Detection, Personalised Treatment Most Anticipated AI Applications

Healthcare professionals are increasingly looking to artificial intelligence to enhance diabetes management, a recent survey by Medvarsity — a healthcare EdTech company — has found. The survey of over 3,000 diabetologists and endocrinologists across India showed that early detection and diagnosis of diabetes complications (88%) and personalised treatment plans (85%) were the most anticipated AI […]

The future of personalised cardiovascular disease detection and monitoring
Heart Health

The future of personalised cardiovascular disease detection and monitoring

Professor Allan Lawrie from Imperial College London, discusses the future of personalised cardiovascular disease detection and monitoring, including comment on wearable technology and AI The rapid expansion of consumer digital technology has significantly increased access to smartphones and connected devices across various socioeconomic groups and age ranges. With smartphones came the ability to connect and […]

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