Heart Health

Improving Heart Failure Symptoms with Barostim

Improving Heart Failure Symptoms with Barostim

Dr. Prabal Guha
McLeod Cardiology Associates

Dr. Carmen Piccolo
McLeod Vascular Associates

More than six million Americans are living with heart failure and over 900,000 new cases are being diagnosed each year. By the year 2030, the American Heart Association predicts nearly eight million Americans will be living with heart failure.

The body needs the blood pumped by the heart to the body’s cells to function normally. With heart failure, the heart is weakened and can’t supply the cells with enough blood. This results in fatigue, shortness of breath and coughing in some patients. Everyday activities like walking, climbing stairs and carrying groceries can be a challenge.

Symptoms of heart failure can range from mild to severe. The severity of the symptoms depends on how weak the heart is. Common signs and symptoms of heart failure include:

  • Shortness of breath – This can be during an activity, at rest, or while sleeping. Breathing while lying flat may be difficult and propping up the upper body with pillows can help.
  • Persistent coughing or wheezing
  • Swelling in feet, ankles, legs or abdomen – Shoes may feel tight
  • Tiredness
  • Rapid or irregular heartbeats

The main treatment for heart failure is with medications. Depending on the symptoms the patient is experiencing, multiple medications may be needed with each medication treating a different symptom.

But for heart failure patients who may not be receiving adequate symptom relief from medications alone, McLeod has a new procedure call Barostim.

The human body has internal mechanisms for sensing changes in blood pressure. This natural system is located in the brain, as well as the carotid arteries, which are the vessels in the neck that supply blood to the brain. Within the system in the carotid artery are sensors that measure and report blood flow to the brain, comparing it to the body’s needs. For example, higher blood pressure is good for exercising, while lower blood pressure is appropriate during sleep or other periods of reduced activity, so the body naturally adjusts to accommodate these needs.

Barostim is an implantable device that works by stimulating the natural sensors located in the carotid artery. Once the device is implanted, it communicates to the brain to tell it how to regulate the heart allowing it to pump more efficiently thereby improving the symptoms of heart failure.

Barostim is a safe surgical procedure performed by a Vascular Surgeon, who are highly trained in surgical procedures of the vascular system. To execute the procedure, the Vascular Surgeon sutures the Barostim Carotid Sinus Lead within the carotid artery and places an implantable pulse generator under the skin in the chest, similar to a pacemaker. The procedures are typically performed on an outpatient basis.

Once released by the Vascular Surgeon, patients will return to their referring physician for follow-up care after the procedure.

Patients with heart failure are encouraged to be actively involved in managing their condition. Heart failure is a chronic, progressive condition that often requires lifelong management. This includes avoiding excessive salt intake, maintaining a healthy body weight, avoiding excessive alcohol consumption, not smoking, and being physically active.

Barostim, plus heart failure medications, has been shown to improve exercise capacity, quality of life and help patients resume their daily activities. McLeod is honored to be the first hospital in our region to offer this innovative technology to our patients so they may return to living fulfilling lives while managing their heart failure.

If you suffer from heart failure and have difficulty managing your symptoms with medication alone, talk to your doctor to see if you may be a candidate for Barostim. Find a McLeod cardiologist near you.

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