Tips for Weight Loss

How to stop snacking at night – 7 simple tips

How to stop snacking at night – 7 simple tips

How to Stop Snacking At Night – 7 Simple Tips


Do you find yourself reaching for snacks every evening? Late-night snacking is very common, so you aren’t alone. In this blog, I’m going to talk about why we snack and 7 simple tips on how to stop snacking in the evening. 


While it’s one thing to eat if you’re hungry, snacking out of boredom or stress is a vicious cycle that can lead to unwanted weight gain.


Learning how to stop snacking in the evening can help you stay on track with weight loss, regulate your blood sugar, and reach your overall health goals. 


In today’s article, I will discuss why you may be snacking at night and 7 simple, dietitian-approved tips on how to stop snacking. 


Why Am I Snacking at Night?


One of the first steps to solving your snacking is to determine where it stems from. 

You might be craving snacks for many reasons, even after having dinner not too long ago. Here are a few of the most constant I see among my clients. 




If you’re bored with nothing to do, reaching for a snack in the evening can be tempting. 


Eating out of boredom is usually habitual and occurs without you thinking twice about it. Before you know it, you’ve eaten a whole bag of chips or cookies. 




Emotional eating is a huge culprit for excessive snacking. Many people turn to food as a way to cope with high-stress situations or negative emotions. 


Not eating enough or the right foods


Not supporting your body with the right quantity or quality of food throughout the day can make you feel unsatisfied. Then, you’re more likely to crave snacks later on and overeat. 


It’s important to note that these are not the only reasons you may be snacking in the evening. However, reflecting on these and your current habits is a great place to start.


Consequences of Excessive Snacking


stop late night snacking, snacking at night


As I mentioned, snacking past dinnertime isn’t inherently bad. Listening to your body and eating something is okay if you’re feeling hungry.


However, snacking becomes an issue when it’s in excess and because of reasons that aren’t actual hunger.


The calories from late-night snacks can start to add up quickly, especially if you typically reach for snacks high in calories, fat, and added sugars. 


Over time, these extra calories can hinder your weight loss progress, leading to unwanted weight gain and/or trouble losing weight. 


In addition, snacking in the evening can cause fluctuations in your blood sugar levels. A snack before bed that is high in carbohydrates may increase your blood sugar the following morning. 


If you’re someone with prediabetes or diabetes, blood sugar fluctuations aren’t ideal. 


Looking for a nutritionist or Registered Dietitian Nutritionist in Concord, CA, to help get down to the bottom of your health issues? Head to my services page to learn more about my nutrition coaching services, and book your call today. 


7 Simple Tips on How To Stop Late-Night Snacking



Now that you know why you may be snacking at night, what can you do about it? 


Here are 7 simple tips to stop snacking in the evening before it starts. 


#1 Eat enough throughout the day


When you skip meals or go long periods without eating during the day, once nighttime rolls around, your body becomes extremely hungry and ravenous. 


Even after having your regular dinner, you may still feel hunger pangs. Science confirms that depriving yourself of food short-term increases your food cravings later on. 


To prevent this, ensure you’re eating consistently throughout your day, including starting your day with a balanced breakfast of protein, carbs, fats, and fresh produce.


#2 Implement a night-time routine


The simple act of having a night-time routine can prevent snacking out of boredom. If you’re distracted by following your routine, it is less likely you’ll head to the kitchen for a snack.


A night-time routine may look like turning off screens, taking a hot shower, reading, journaling, etc. 


Another easy hack is brushing your teeth as soon as you finish dinner or your last scheduled meal/snack. Because who wants to eat after brushing their teeth, right? 


#3 Prioritize balanced meals with protein and fiber


A huge mistake I see people make is not prioritizing balanced meals. A balanced meal is a meal that has a balance of the three macronutrients: quality protein, high-fiber carbs, and healthier fats. 


First, protein is an essential macronutrient for weight loss because it keeps you satisfied for longer. High-protein foods include lean meat, poultry, seafood, tofu, and legumes. 


Another critical nutrient that gets overlooked is dietary fiber. Fiber helps to keep you feeling full and supports digestive health. Foods high in fiber are whole grains, nuts and seeds, and fresh fruits and vegetables. 


Many times, if you’re snacking late at night, you probably aren’t eating enough protein and fiber in your day. 


#4 Avoid distracted eating


Eating while you’re distracted is a common reason people overeat at night. Imagine you’re watching TV or scrolling Facebook with a bag of chips in your hand, and before you know it, you’ve had 3-4 servings. 


Distracted eating makes it hard for your brain to process and reflect on when feeling full. Your hunger and fullness cues go out the window! 


Instead, try eating your snacks while standing in the kitchen or at your dining table away from screens. Notice how much less you eat when you’re eating slowly and mindfully. 


#5 Plan ahead and pre-portion 


It’s normal to sometimes feel hungry after dinner and want a bedtime snack or sweet treat. 


The best thing you can do is plan ahead and have healthy snack options on hand.


Healthy snack ideas include:

  • Greek yogurt with mixed berries
  • Trail mix with dried fruit and nuts 
  • String cheese with whole-wheat crackers 
  • Popcorn with a side of turkey jerky
  • Apple slices with almond butter and dark chocolate


If you struggle with portion size, pre-portion your snacks at the beginning of the week into separate containers that you can quickly grab and go. This way, you’re less likely to overeat. 


#6 Have a glass of water or tea instead


Find yourself reaching for a snack? Have a glass of water or herbal tea instead. 


Thirst can easily disguise itself as hunger. So, if you’re feeling hungry, you may just be thirsty. 


Ensure you prioritize proper hydration throughout the day (~15.5 cups for men and ~11.5 cups for women).


Before grabbing a snack, try drinking a full glass of water or tea and see if you’re still hungry. 


#7 Clear out your pantry


Let’s say you’ve tried these other methods and can’t seem to stop snacking. A great next action is to clear your pantry of any unhealthy options you usually reach for. 


You’re more likely to indulge in it if it’s ready and available. Instead, keep unhealthy snacks out of plain sight or remove them from your kitchen entirely. 


How to Stop Snacking At Night: The Takeaway


Late-night snacking and snacking out of boredom may be why you’re not seeing the weight loss results you’re looking for. 


It’s important to replace bad habits such as snacking with more healthful habits, including a nighttime routine, balanced meals, and mindful eating. 


If you’re looking for how to stop snacking effectively, start by reflecting on why you’re snacking in the first place. Then, make a plan for how you can tackle the issue. 


Does this feel overwhelming for you? Don’t worry- you don’t have to go through this journey alone. I can help you uncover the root of your snacking in the evening and implement successful strategies to overcome it. 


Head to my nutrition coaching page to learn more about my current offers. Let’s work together to get you the weight loss results you’re looking for! 

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