Heart Health

Don’t Let the Silent Killer, High Blood Pressure, Bring You Down

Don’t Let the Silent Killer, High Blood Pressure, Bring You Down

Medically Reviewed by John Rozich, MD, PhD

About 30 percent of Americans with high blood pressure do not even know they have it. This number is likely higher in the Midlands and our rural areas as many suffer the effects of hypertension for years before diagnosis and effective treatment are received.

It is also important to know that early stages of hypertension can be silent. If symptoms do develop, they possibly can include headaches, nosebleeds, lightheadedness, dizziness, flushing sensation, or palpitations. These symptoms are very nonspecific but are worth checking out.


Blood pressure, in general, is the force of blood on the vessels in the body when the heart contracts and squeezes blood out. Your blood pressure has a top and bottom number. The top number represents the pressure when the heart is contracting. The bottom number is the pressure when the heart is relaxed.


There are numerous home devices available for taking your own blood pressure. But you do not need to take your blood pressure six or eight times a day. If you have a blood pressure machine at home, start by sitting down and resting comfortably for three minutes. Do not talk or look around. Try not to be stressed by anything. Then take your blood pressure. The home machines may not be absolutely accurate but they can give a general idea of whether your blood pressure is reaching the problem range.


Lifestyle modifications can have a significant impact on your blood pressure.

  • Watch your salt or sodium intake. This is a big problem in this area of South Carolina. Even if you don’t add salt, most of what people are eating is already high in salt – potato chips, soups, fast food, frozen dinners, etc.
  • Watch your weight. For every pound you lose your top blood pressure number will go down one point.
  • Quit Smoking. All other elements aside, smoking by itself will make your blood pressure go up.


It is important to recognize that blood pressure treatment is often very specific, or different for everyone. What works for one person may not work as well for another. Treatment is not a one-size-fits-all all. Your ethnic background or other health issues, such as diabetes or kidney problems, will affect which treatments are best for you. While medicines are effective, the degree of benefit is not the same for each individual and often there are subtle changes, or we are “tweaking” the medicines to reach the best result.

Furthermore, if your blood pressure is severely elevated, like 180/90, lifestyle changes alone will not get it down where you need it to be. Medicines are vital to reduce the dangers of high blood pressure. These include ACE inhibitors, angiotensin receptor blockers, hydrochlorothiazide, or a calcium channel blocker. A combination of two medicines is recommended if one’s blood pressure is greater than 20/10 over the goal for example 140/90. A person’s race can also affect what we use to treat them. For African Americans, we may turn to calcium channel blockers.

Why Do We Emphasize Treatment?

Three reasons we emphasize early and continuous treatment are summarized by the following problems if blood pressure is not controlled: heart disease, stroke, and dialysis. Heart disease in the form of heart attacks, or heart failure can prematurely end a person’s life. Strokes reduce the quality of life and may lead to early death, and dialysis severely restricts lifestyle and places patients at risk for multiple problems. Knowledge and treatment of high blood pressure have been shown to assist in the prevention of each of these conditions.

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