Yoga & Exercise

Do these simple moves at your desk or even on a plane [INFOGRAPHIC]

Do these simple moves at your desk or even on a plane [INFOGRAPHIC]

If you’ve worked with me before, you know that I’m a proponent of moving. Even if you’re unable to squeeze in a workout, there are many ways to add movement into your day. It will help you think better and give you more energy.

When you can move around freely

If you often forget to pause, set a reminder for yourself to:

  • Stand up: stand during your next meeting. You may even bend your knee and grab your foot from behind for a quad stretch (think modified dancer pose in yoga). You may hold onto your desk to avoid falling. Stay in this position for a few breaths. Not only will this reenergize you, but it will also help reset your concentration. It will force you to bring all your attention to the act of balancing, and therefore, tune out distractions.
  • Walk and talk: instead of sitting in your next 1:1, ask your meeting partner to walk and talk. Walk slowly!
  • Reset with a lap: take 5 minutes to walk around your floor or building, go up and down the stairs, or walk to your car and back. Alternatively, your reset trips can include visits to the kitchen, bathroom, printer room and other common areas.
  • Move in place: march or jump in place to get your heart pumping. High-knee stationary march or run, tuck jumps, squat jumps, jumping jacks and lunge squats don’t require much space but do wonders for your circulation.

When you’re tied to your chair

When getting up or walking around is not an option, let seated poses bring you relief and energy.

Lack of space doesn’t mean no movement. You can move even when you can’t get up. #exercise #yoga Share on X

Check out this chair exercise infographic you can do at your desk, on a plane, in a confined space or even in a meeting. Feel free to download it. No space doesn’t need to mean no movement.

office exercise, office yoga, desk yoga, work yoga, travel yoga


Header image by Karolina Grabowska, Pexels


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