![[INFOGRAPHIC] How to move when you’re stuck behind your desk [INFOGRAPHIC] How to move when you’re stuck behind your desk](https://redpantz.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/pexels-rfstudio-3621954-scaled.jpg)
I recently returned from #IMPACT16, a conference for marketing leaders from around the world. Simply put, it was a blast! While the event featured many outstanding sessions and speakers, I’d like to pause on the inaugural Women’s Leadership Group panel, which focused on the 4 aspects of life so many of us aspire to master: lead, link, live and laugh.

Early morning yoga session at IMPACT16
Apropos, living. We spend on average 47 hours a week working (Washington Post. 2014), often glued to our desks, slouching in conference room chairs or squeezing our bodies into the friendship seat (i.e. middle seat) on airplanes. A few months ago, I posted a few simple moves you can do at your desk or on a plane to get the blood flowing and increase your energy.
Per popular demand, here is a new sequence you can try when you have no place to go, no room to get up or no time to physically step away. But, you can still mentally step away for a few minutes. The sequence is simple: core, forward, back and twist.
I personally like to close this (or any sequence) with a short but powerful gratitude practice. I think of something or someone I’m grateful for, and bathe my body and mind in the pleasant sensation that arises with each breath. If you want to learn more about why and how to develop a gratitude attitude, check out my blog here.
Are you ready? Here’s sequence #2:
Image by RF Studio, Pexels