Diabetes Care

We are live – Meet the iClinic

We are live – Meet the iClinic

Retinopathy risk and diabetic eye screening management revolutionized

We at RetinaRisk have launched the iClinic, our browser-based decision support tool for improved diabetic eye health. The RetinaRisk iClinic enables healthcare professionals around the world to revolutionize their approach to diabetic eye care by swiftly identifying patients who are most at risk of developing sight-threatening diabetic retinopathy, one of the leading causes of blindness. This is done by using the clinically validated RetinaRisk algorithm that accurately calculates each patient’s risk based on their clinical values. With the individualized approach, RetinaRisk allows healthcare professionals to provide more personalized care resulting in high-risk patients receiving more intense care and frequent follow-up.   

The RetinaRisk iClinic is a powerful tool for empowering and increasing awareness among people with diabetes about the importance of regular eye screening and good diabetes management. The risk score for retinopathy is complemented by the key risk factors for each patient, which enables a personalized approach to positive behavioral change, resulting in a life free of diabetic eye complications. RetinaRisk iClinic vividly demonstrates how improvement in blood sugar and blood pressure levels can significantly lower the risk of vision loss due to diabetes. Supplemental information even shows the exact quantified effect on future risk when a patient reaches best-case levels for these key risk factors. This is a strong motivational tool and helps healthcare providers to show their patients the future rewards of today’s positive behavioral change.    

As a decision support tool, RetinaRisk indicates the appropriate eye screening interval for each patient and recommends the next screening month based on the patient’s individualized risk of retinopathy. High-risk patients are screened up to every six months while healthier patients are safely deferred to a later date. This has been used in the National Hospital of Iceland and has allowed for up to 60% increase in eye screening capacity, without further investment in other areas.

RetinaRisk is developed based on a strong scientific foundation and extensive clinical validation. You can find all our scientific publications here. Our solution is CE Marked in the EU as a medical device (Class IIa).

How does the iClinc work?

Any user can create an account and start using the RetinaRisk iClinic right away from our portal here. Once an account has been created, the iClinic is ready with 10 free risk calculations. You simply insert the following six risk factors for each patient: 

  • Gender
  • Type of diabetes
  • Duration of diabetes
  • Diagnosis of diabetic retinopathy 
  • HbA1c 
  • Blood pressure

Swiftly you’ll be presented with the results from the iClinic, which include:

  • 12 month risk of developing sight-threatening diabetic retinopathy 
  • Main risk factors behind the calculation
  • Quantified effect on diabetic retinopathy risk for each patient with the lowering the modifiable risk factors to recommended levels 
  • Decision Support Tool with suggestions for variable eye screening.

Prices are 49 USD per monthly subscription or 499 USD per yearly subscription

See the iClinic in action

About RetinaRisk – Over 30 years of experience

RetinaRisk was founded in 2009 by Professor Einar Stefánsson, MD – Retinal Specialist and former Chair of the Landspitali University Hospital Department of Ophthalmology, Dr. Arna Guðmundsdóttir, MD – Diabetologist at Landspitali University Hospital, Department of Endocrinology and Professor Thor Aspelund – Epidemiology and Biostatistics at the Center of Public Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, University of Iceland. We have over 30 years of academic and clinical experience in treating diabetic retinopathy and in diabetes management. The RetinaRisk team is a diverse mix of individuals specialized in medicine, mathematics, statistics, computer programming, health care economics, law and business

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